13 October 2009


Wine Festival in Southern Austria!

Friends and me at the festival

Vineyards in Austria

Chocolate festival in Graz!

Autumn in Graz


Sunrise over Imperial Vienna

Oktoberfest Celebration in Salzburg

Sound of Music 'Do-Re-Mi' Gardens?

Reinacting 'The Sound of Music'

REALLY re-inacting 'The Sound of Music'

part of Nonnenburg Abbey from 'The Sound of Music'....that gate was the one filmed many times in the movie! (when the children came to get Maria back, where the Nazis came in at the end of the movie to search for the Von Trapps, Maria went through it in the beginning of 'I Have Confidence')

Me and Salzburg!

Salzburg Castle

Mozarts Birthhouse in Salzburg!

Statue of Stalin right outside of Budapest...when communism was falling, people tore down his statue, and only left his boots.



Two friends and view of the Budapest Parliament (one of two Neo-Gothic Parliaments in Europe...the other one is the British Parliament!)

uhhh....so Lord of the Rings was filmed in Budapest?

Werid Budapest statue

Milennium statue in Budapest

Basically....we ate meat for 10 days.

In the Salt Mine at Krakow...a CHAPEL ENTIRELY MADE OUT OF SALT

since the whole mine was entirely made out of salt, we were allowed to lick the walls :)

Auschwitz II

Gates of Aushwitz I...translation: 'Work Brings Freedom'

Cool mind-bender in Krakow

Streets of Krakow

Me and Prague!

Old Town Square in Prague

Soccer game in Prague!

St. Charles' Bridge in Prague

John Lennon Wall in Prague

Prague Cathedral inside the Castle.

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