24 August 2009

Grüß Gott!

at a rest stop going from Vienna to Mariazell!

Mariazell, Austria (Province of Styria)

The Basilica in Mariazell (the pope is coming here in a few weeks!)

Hanging out with some guy in Lederhosen...the usual.

A lake near Mariazell!

Hello all! I am officially moved into my apartment in Vienna! For those of you who know the city, I am in the 17th district, about 2-3km away from the center of the city. I have been pretty busy the past few days! After a flight from Dulles to London and a connecting flight from London to Vienna, I finally arrived. On my London to Vienna flight there were 5-6 other people on my same program, so we all met up and hung out the first night, along with my friend Katie who I am rooming with in my apartment, she goes to Susquehanna with me...and we ate a Turkish resturant, yum!

On the 20th, all 100+ people on the program met at the Westbahnhof (train station) and from there took buses for about 2-3 hours to the town of Mariazell, located in the province of Sytria--VERY pretty. The IES staff (who is awesome) had lots of info sessions for us and we also had a lot of free time. On Friday afternoon, we went to a lake near by where i went e-boating (electric boating) with some friends and hung out. Friday night, the staff had a surprise for us where men dressed in lederhosen came and did traditional Austrian dances for us...very interesting to say the least. Not to mention they were all drinking a lot of beer. Saturday I went into the town of Mariazell, which was gorgeous...besides the fact it was raining a little! Pictures to follow below.

Yesterday afternoon we said our goodbyes to Mariazell and arrived in Vienna! After some mad chaos at the Westbahnoff, we got our luggage and took taxis to our new apartments....mine is VERY nice! I'm in an apartment with four other girls and we all get along great. It's interesting an new cooking for myself and living in a city...but I kind of like it!

More to write later! And I will be adding photos soon!


  1. aw kj i love you. and lederhosen. good word, too. im excited that you'll be there around xmas time... so you can find out about the krampus!!!! please tell me when you do. :)

  2. Hmmmm, lederhosen, eh? Can't wait for those pictures! Don't forget to include a few shots of you with all the gorgeous scenery.

