30 August 2009

Viennese Life!

Hello again! Apologies for the lack of blog entries....but it means that I have been enjoying Vienna! As of today, I have lived in my apartment for one week! It feels like I have been here for a lot longer than that, and also that I have known my roommates/other friends for a really long time as well.

This past week, and for the next 2 weeks, I am taking an intensive German class. It's for almost 3 hours in the morning (9-11:45), and after that I have the rest of the day to myself! After class I've been going to the Donauinsel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donauinsel), where I lay out in the grass and swim in the water (or rather just jump in and quickly get back out), walking around the Kertnerstrasse, one of the largest shopping streets in Vienna (it is a pedestrian-only street that links St. Stephen's Cathederal and the Opera House), and just frolicking around Vienna in general. Every night during the summer, Vienna puts on a filmfestival in front of the Rathaus, the city hall (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rathaus,_Vienna). A GIANT screen is put up in front of the building, and they play operas, ballets, etc. on the screen. It's free for anyone to come and a VERY popular spot, as there are also resturant and bar tent type things set up all around it. I went to a Biergarten for dinner a few nights ago, and thinking it would be steak, I ordered the "Lachssteak," but it turns out it was fish...and if you don't know, I'm not a seafood person. Whatsoever. I need to be more careful when I order next time.

Yesterday, I went on a 3 hour bus tour of Vienna that my study abroad program set up for us. It was nice going around and seeing things I hadn't seen before, as well as getting a better sense of the city. We past one of Beethoveen's houses that he lived at, as well as a church that he attended. We went up to the Vienna Woods, which is basically the last of the Austrian Alps which border the main part of the city. There are some resturants and things up there which was nice to see, as well as a spectacular view of the city.

Yesterday I also went to the Naschmarkt (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naschmarkt), which is a HUUGEEEE food market and flea market, for REALLY cheap prices. I will definetly be doing my grocery shopping there from now on!

We will see what this week will bring....Thursday afternoon I am going on a 2 hour bike ride on the Donauinsel with some of my friends....woo!!!

I will be putting up pictures soon....I am not allowed to upload or download photos in my apartment becasue it makes the internet extremely slow, but I will put some up soon!

Thanks for reading!


  1. Sounds like you're having a wonderful time! I love when you update your blog : ) miss you dear! SU life isn't the same without you.

  2. Love your blog, KJ :) Vienna sounds like a fabulous place! Miss you!

  3. You sound like you're having a really wonderful time...love your blog. Hope you're German goes well...it's all so exciting...keep in touch...Farmor
