28 August 2009


7:45: alarm goes off, get in the shower and eat breakfast
8:17: leave my apartment
8:18: run and hop on and barely make the Strassenbahn
8:21: get off the Strassenbahn at Alser Straße, hop on the U6 U-Bahn towards the Westbahnoff
8:32: get off at the Westbahnoff, switch to the U3 line towards Stephansplatz
8:43: get off at Stephansplatz, walk to Johannesgasse where the IES center is
8:51: arrive at IES center, get coffee, say hi to friends, go to class
9:00: day four of intensive german starts
11:45: intensive german ends for the day
12:04: walk down the street to Wolfbauer (a cafe) and eat lunch and drink coffee with friends
12:21: hop on the U3 to Donaueinsul to hang out at the canal
12:38: get off the U3, lay out, swim, do homework
4:30: leave
5:10: arrive home in the apartment, clean, skype, etc
6:16: leave apartment to meet up with friends for dinner
6:45: arrive at a Biergarden in the 18th district
9:45: arrive back at the apartment, do homework, shower, etc.
12:30am: go to bed